Cool Uncle Joey with the girls. They all had some much fun in the pool!
Elise steals shoes, anyones shoes. They don't even have to match and she will put them on and walk all over the place. The other day when we were in the mall she was really mad that we had to enter a store instead of cruising the mall - cause she was walking. I was able to distract her with the shoes on display. She was very excited!
Erika is also known for taking soda cups - when she knows that it is soda. She knew that I had diet coke, and once I was in the pool, she grabbed my cup and took off.
I love that the cup is almost as big as she is!
Grandpa loved playing in the pool with the kids! Erika loved the waterfall and let Grandpa take her around the pool. NO ONE else was allowed to.
Elise hasn't quite got the hang of being in the water. But she loved to hang around the baja step and stay cool in the hot sun.
Nicole is our swimmer. She is a fish. We had a lot of fun with Nevika in the pool. He is a really good doggie with the kids. I remember when he was younger he would growl when the kids approached him. He is over that. I never hear him growel, only groan to be pet and loved more.