It is a mix between popcorn and cheese puffs. It is actually pretty good.
Not too long ago Elise asked me if she could have some Pirate's bottoms. Her little language is sometimes difficult to understand, so I wasn't quite sure what she was asking. Finally after several attempts, she said the two words extra slow for me Piiiiraatttttee's Booottoms. It finally clicked and I began laughing. AH!!! You mean Pirate's Booty!!! She excitedly said yes.
So now this snack has a new name in our house thanks to Elise.
I am delayed in posting the Mother's Day photos. The kids and Ryan stuck with tradition and made me an awesome breakfast! Of course they served it to me in bed. Ryan tries to have the kids eat breakfast in the kitchen so I can enjoy mine in splendid peace. This never works. There is usally crying (Elise) and pounding at the bedroom door (Elise with Erika right behind her). Elise came up into bed with me and sat with me while I ate. She was insistent on seeing her card she made for me. It is an adorable card. Nicole and Erika made cards also - the photo below.
Kristian....well....he was very sweet and gave me hugs and kisses and even climbed on to the bed for the annual photo.
Speaking of Kristian. He is 14. He is tall. He is handsome. He is smart.
Check out his new photo! He had a mild sunburn.
The great thing about the day the photo was taken.......Kristian actually cared what he was going to look like when the photos were taken. He dressed nicely and even combed his hair! ;-)