Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Activities

During our visit for the holidays, the kids enjoyed the annual Kiwanis pizza party.
The girls loved the clown name Sparkles.
As Eleanor told me, "she was dressed from head to toe!"

Here is Nicole with her balloon animal made by Sparkles.

Eleanor with her doggy with a leash. It lasted until the next day - which is impressive.

Elise with her balloon thing-a-ma-jig.

Erika happy to be a part of it all with her balloon too.

Kristian and his friend Joel scarfing down the pizza. I was told they woofed down a whole large pizza on their own.


The Schooley's said...

I wanna know where Kristian's balloon is!! Tanner & his friend can wolf down a large pizza too!! I love it!

Jacci said...

Ahhh teenage boys. I'm sure you will be going through loafs of bread soon enough.

Rachelle said...

okay's now March...we need more updates busy lady!!