Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Autumn

Daddy and his girls

This is Erika's attempt in helping to clean up her bedroom. She climbed INTO Nicole's art box, reached inside her bed to pull her blanket out. She couldn't get the blanket all the way out, so she leaned her head up on it against the crib. It was so funny!

Kristian shooting his riffle

Nicole shooting her rifle

Kristian with our friend Dan. Kristian has driven this model T twice! Which Nicole thinks is so cool because he is only 13 and not yet old enough for a license!

Mommy with the Lady Bugs

Nicole and Elise looking so cute

Erika so excited to be running around at the church halloween party

Elise was super excited to carve her own pumpkin. She calls the pumpkins, "pumpkin pie"


The Schooley's said...

Love the lady bugs picture!! Soooo cute. The kids are getting so big! I still can't believe I haven't seen Erika. Those rifle pix are pretty cool too. I can't get over how much Kristian looks like his dad!! So glad you posted more pix!! I love that I know about your blog now. I feel like I can catch glimpses into your life!! Grin. Miss you.

Rachelle said...

Glad to see an update! The pics are great! I'll have to show these to the kids...they'll love the rifle photos...I had no idea they had their own and I love Nicole's pink one- what a fashion statment, huh?! Do they take classes or something? Anyway, happy to see you online. Hope things are going well for you guys- I know you're super busy! Say hello to everyone!

Heidi said...

So cute! We can't wait to see you guys at Christmas, the girls are so big!